Disneyland 10th Anniversary, aired in 1965, begins with Walt showing viewers and Disneyland ambassador Julie Reihm plans for upcoming attractions, including It's a Small World, Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion. Then it's on to Disneyland, where we meet the Disney characters celebrating Disneyland’s Tencennial, with both a show in front of the castle and a parade put on by a local high school band and cheerleaders. Next, Walt describes a brief history of the construction of the park, followed by a tour of some of the attractions at the time, including, but not limited to, Matterhorn Bobsleds, Jungle Cruise, the Flying Saucers, the Mine Train Through Nature's Wonderland and the Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room. The climax of the episode is a Dixieland band on the Mark Twain Riverboat as well as some other boats on the Rivers of America put on an interesting water show.
This episode was released twice on DVD, once in 2001 on Walt Disney Treasures: Disneyland, USA and again in 2006 on Walt Disney Treasures: Your Host, Walt Disney.